This video will help you learn what is DevOps, why is Docker important, what is Docker, advantages of Docker, installation of docker, architecture of Docker, components of Docker and finally a demo on creating Docker images and Docker container. Docker is an OS-level virtualization software platform that enables developers and IT administrators to create, deploy and run applications in a Docker Container with all their dependencies. Also, docker container is a lightweight software package that includes all the dependencies (frameworks, libraries, etc.) required to execute an application. Now, let’s get started and understand the concept in detail.
Below are the topics we will be discussing in the video today:

  • 00:00:00 What is DevOps
  • 00:01:07 Why is Docker important?
  • 00:09:07 What is Docker
  • 00:11:22 Advantages of Docker
  • 00:14:16 Installation of Docker
  • 00:14:55 Architecture of Docker
  • 00:16:22 Components of Docker
  • 00:36:22 Demo

#docker #devops

Docker Tutorial For Beginners | What Is Docker? | Docker Explained
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