Dear Heartbeat readers,

Welcome back to another volume of the Heartbeat Newsletter. This week I’m happy to share a one-stop-shop for all of our SnapML + Lens Studio content to help creators, designers, engineers, artists, and others who want to start experimenting with ML + augmented reality.

And as always, we have an excellent slate of new contributor tutorials to share with you. Really amazing and inspiring to see such a high volume of excellent content coming from Heartbeat authors.

Let’s get to it!

Happy Reading,

Austin & the Heartbeat team

Collected Resources for SnapML and Machine Learning in Lens Studio

Our collection of Fritz AI team and contributor-written explainers, tutorials, Lens Creator spotlights, and information about our product’s support for SnapML in Lens Studio. We’ll continue adding to this collected resource over the coming weeks and months.

#machine-learning #tensorflow #tech #augmented-reality #snapchat

Heartbeat Newsletter: Volume 21
1.10 GEEK