This tutorial runs through three simple methods that allow you to deploy a React app to Netlify in 60 seconds.

Over the past few years, Netlify has easily worked its way into the hearts and minds of many developers. Some developers consider Netlify to be the best thing that’s ever happened to them when it comes to software development and deployment.

Netlify prides itself on being the fastest way to build amazing sites. It can be a serious boon to your productivity. Netlify has a popular tagline that can serve as an anchor for this tutorial:

“Just git push to deploy worldwide.”


The goal here is to take an in-depth look at deploying React apps using Netlify. To follow along with this tutorial, you’ll need a working knowledge of the following:

3 methods for deploying React applications to Netlify

  • Netlify UI
  • Netlify drag and drop
  • Netlify CLI

#react #netlify #reactjs #web-development #developer

3 Ways to Deploy React Apps to Netlify
2.15 GEEK