The intention of this article was to introduce the reader with network data and the different options in Python for its visualization.

Every code from this article is published in this repository.


Network or Graph is a special representation of entities which have relationships among themselves. It is made up of a collection of two generic objects — (1) node: which represents an entity, and (2) edge: which represents the connection between any two nodes. In a complex network, we also have attributes or features associated with each node and edge. For example, a person represented as a node may have attributes like age, gender, salary, etc. Similarly, an edge between two persons which represents ‘friend’ connection may have attributes like friends_since, last_meeting, etc. Because of this complex nature, it becomes imperative that we present a network intuitively, such that it showcases as much information as possible. To do so we first need to get acquainted with the different available tools, and that’s the topic of this article i.e. to go through the different options which help us visualize a network. Let’s get started!

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Visualizing Networks in Python
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