One of the fundamental concepts in Oop that you must know.

Through this article, I will be discussing the concept of **_Abstraction _**and how we can achieve it partially or completely in java programming. I have already covered other important pillars of OOPs that are InheritancePolymorphismEncapsulation, and Compositions. After reading this article you would be in a position to answer this question in your next interview.

What Is Abstraction?

It is one of the pillars of OOP like InheritanceEncapsulation, and Polymorphism.The basic English meaning of Abstraction is the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events. Did you get it? I know it’s hard to grasp.Let me put its definition in another way **basically it deals with hiding the internal details and showing the essential things to the end-user.**A real-life example of abstraction can be using an electric circuit board. We use the buttons to turn on and off the electrical devices through the circuit board. We know a lot of things happen inside the board. Here we are using the functionality provided and we aren’t interested in the actual working of the circuit board.Now let’s relate this example with classes and interface. The surface of the electric board is an Interface and the actual implementation of the electric circuit board is a class.

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Why  You Must Know Abstraction?
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