Learn How To Make A Text Widget Selectable In Your Flutter Apps

At times you might need to make the Text content of your mobile selectable to utilize functionalities like a copy. On the off chance that you need to show text in Flutter, the normal route is by utilizing a Text widget. Be that as it may, it doesn’t permit the user to choose the text. If you need the user to have the option to select the text, you can utilize Flutter’s SelectableText widget.

In this blog, we will explore the** SelectableText Widget In Flutter**.We will see how to implement a demo program of the selectable text widget and show you how to utilize that widget to copy/select the text, making a text selectable is really simple in Flutter, you simply need to utilize the SelectableText widget in your flutter applications.

Table Of Contents ::

SelectableText Widget


Code Implement

Code File


SelectableText Widget:

The SelectableText widget shows a string of text with a solitary style. The string may break across various lines or may all be shown on a similar line contingent upon the design imperatives. To utilize SelectableText, there is just one required boundary which is the text to be shown was String.

SelectableText Widget in Flutter allows the user to Select/Copy the content on the UI. The typical Text Widget in Flutter won’t permit a copy/select element by double-tapping on the content, we can either select/copy the content. To take care of this issue, the Flutter discharge came out with the SelectableText Widget .

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SelectableText Widget In Flutter
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