This is the first in a series of articles on new features introduced in C#9.

Top-level statements allow you to simplify and remove some of the “ceremony” in your code.

For example, take the following console application written in C#8:


using System.Linq;

using static System.Console;

namespace ConsoleAppCS8


class Program


static int Main(string[] args)


string greeting = ""``;

if (args.Any())


greeting = args[0];


WriteLine(``"Please enter your name"``);

var name = ReadLine();

var upperName = ConvertToUpper(name);

WriteLine($``"{greeting} {upperName}"``);

return 42;


public static object ConvertToUpper(string name)


return name.ToUpperInvariant();




In the preceding code the “ceremony” consists of things such as the enclosing namespace, the Program class outline, and the Main method itself.

With top-level statements in C## 9 this code can be simplified to the following:


using System.Linq;

using static System.Console;

string greeting = ""``;

if (args.Any())


greeting = args[0];


WriteLine(``"Please enter your name"``);

var name = ReadLine();

var upperName = ConvertToUpper(name);

WriteLine($``"{greeting} {upperName}"``);

return 42;

static object ConvertToUpper(string name)


return name.ToUpperInvariant();


Notice in the C## 9 version that the structure is a lot “flatter” because there are no nested {} from the namespace, class, and Main method.

The application will still act in the same way, there is just less boilerplate code.

#icymi c# 9 #c# 9 #new features

 ICYMI C# 9 New Features: Top-level Statements
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