IntelliJ IDEA has lots of keyboard shortcuts and features that can help us to write code, but we don’t always know about them. In this video, we’re going to see some shortcuts that we can use in the editor to make it easier to write and edit code.

⇧⌘F12 or Ctrl+Shift+F12 - hide all windows except the active editor;
⌘⌫ or Ctrl+Y - delete a line;
⌘X or Ctrl+X - cut a line;
⌘V or Ctrl+V - paste a line;
⇧⌘↑ or Ctrl+Shift+Up - move a statement;
⌘C or Ctrl+C - copy a whole line;
⌘D or Ctrl+D - duplicate a line;
⌃⇧J or Ctrl+Shift+J - smart line join;
⌘⏎ or Ctrl+Enter - smart line split;
⌥↑ or Ctrl+W - extend selection
⌥↓ or Ctrl+Shift+W - shrink selection;
⇧⌘8 or Alt+Shift+Insert - enable column selection mode;
⌘G or F3 - find next;
⌃⌘G or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J - select all occurrences;
⌘⇧V or Ctrl+Shift+V - paste from recent buffers

#intellij #developer

Editor Tips and Tricks in IntelliJ IDEA (2020)
2.90 GEEK