I have installed Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 2, then I have created a simple C# application for it. Now, I am curious what is the difference in performance between Windows 10 IoT Core and Raspbian. To test that I will run a simple C# code on both OS.

I will do a simple calculation in a loop and will run this code in multiple threads. The amount of threads - 4, because Raspberry Pi 2 has 4 cores. This will load CPU up to 100%.

I know that I am using different CLRs and different compilators, but I am doing this just for fun :)

Because you cannot run C# application on Windows 10 in console mode I will use a bit different code for each OS.

#benchmark #linux #my projects #c# #08 #windows 10 #.net #блогомарафон #raspberry pi 2 #raspbian

Raspberry Pi 2 Benchmark. Linux vs Windows
3.55 GEEK