There are many changes in the software development fundamentals in the last few years. The developers need to work cross-platform and open source development strategies with faster speed and also they want to integrate the old applications with the new technologies easily. The .NET framework came with a new version ASP.NET 5 to fulfill the requirements.

As compared to previous versions, it includes many new features like support of cloud based, cross platform and open source application development, modularity, faster development cycle and freedom to choose the programming tools. ASP.NET has compact components with negligible overhead and due to this, developers can feel flexibility while constructing their applications. Let us see the new features of .Net 5 in detail.

New Features Of .Net 5-

1. Combination Of MVC, Web API, And Web Pages In Single Programming Model-
With the new version ASP.NET, MVC, Web API and Web pages are packed into a one framework called MVC 6. This approach removes duplication from the framework and makes it simpler for developers to build applications. So, there is no need to write different code whether you are in MVC, Web API or Web pages context.

2. Flexible And Cross-Platform Runtime-
ASP.NET 5 has three different K-runtime environments. Full .NET CLR, Core CLRR (for Windows) and cross-platform CLR (for Mac and Linux). You can choose any of three as per your requirements.

Full .NET CLR- It is a default runtime. If you want the previous application to be compatible with ASP.NET 5, it is a better choice as it provides a complete API set.
Core CLR (Cloud-Optimized CLR)- It is a modular runtime. This CLR allows you to choose and include just the features we need in our application. These features are being included as NuGet packages. This way our application depends just on the necessary features. The Core CLR is around 11 megabytes in comparison with the full .NET CLR which is 200 megabytes. Every component is separately updated hence rapidly as it has its own schedule. Different versions of Core CLR can be run next side-by-side and can be deployed with your application.
Cross-Platform CLR- The cross-platform CLR allows you to develop and run apps on devices running on Mac and Linux operating systems. Mono community can be used for cross-platform development. A web worker called kestrel will be used for Mac and Linux that is built on libuv in ASP.NET 5.

3. Open-Source-
.NET will be open source and using its principal it will allow us to run applications on different operating systems. The source code for ASP.NET 5 is hosted on GitHub, within the .NET foundation org.

4. Ability To Self-host Or Host On IIS-
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What’s New In .Net 5? - Solace Infotech Pvt Ltd
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