Create a Flutter GridView VS Flutter Staggered GridView with dynamic height for the items. With the Staggered GridView, you can display unique column and row designs with custom sizes in Flutter.

Source Code |


  • 0:00 Introduction Flutter Staggered GridView
  • 0:26 Create GridView Builder
  • 0:54 Set GridView CrossAxisCount
  • 1:11 Set GridView MainAxisSpacing
  • 1:29 Set GridView CrossAxisSpacing
  • 1:37 Create Staggered GridView
  • 2:03 Staggered Tile Count
  • 3:32 Index IsEven For Advanced Staggered GridView
  • 4:04 Index Modulo For Advanced Staggered GridView / Instagram GridView
  • 5:11 Hot Restart & Staggered GridView
  • 5:27 Staggered Tile Fit
  • 6:57 Staggered Tile Extent / Slivers Staggered GridView
  • 8:59 Summary Staggered GridView


Flutter Tutorial - GridView VS Staggered GridView [2021] With Dynamic Height
9.45 GEEK