The Benefits of Internet of things (IOT) In Agriculture Industry

The Benefits of internet of things (IoT) in agriculture industry

The IoT is also known as the “Internet of Things”. It describes the network of physical objects sometimes called “things”. IoT application development embedded with sensors, software, and also other technologies. These technologies are used for the purpose of connecting and interchanging data with other devices on the internet.

These devices or systems range from ordinary household objects to sophisticated industrial tools. There are more than 7 billion connected IoT devices now. This number will grow to 21 billion by 2025.

benefits of (Internet of Things) IoT in agriculture

Previously application of the Internet of Things in agriculture has unavailable efficiency, fewer resources, cost. In agriculture these benefits don’t act as a direct improvement but also the solutions for the whole industry faces a range of dangerous problems.

Excelled efficiency

Even in the era of technology, the Agriculture sector is not far behind in the race. Farmers have to grow more and more crops in deteriorating soil, declining land availability and weather fluctuations.

IoT Technology has enabled farmers allows to monitor their crops and conditions in real-time. Farmers get the insights fast and this technology predicts and sees the issues before they happen in future. And informed the farmers to let them make a decision on how to avoid the issues.

IoT technology introduces automation processes in agriculture such as demand-based fertilizers, irrigation, and also robot harvesting. According to 2019 world population data we have 7.6 billion humans living on this planet. And 70% of people live in urban areas.

Farm Anywhere

Greenhouses and hydroponic systems based on IoT technology enable short food supply chains. And also helpful in feeding the people who are in need of food.

With smart agriculture closed-cycle systems allow farmers growing food anywhere and everywhere. We can grow crops in supermarkets, shipping containers, on skyscrapers’ walls, rooftops, homes, etc.

Need Fewer Resources

With the reduction of resources, the focused on IoT technology has got increased. IoT technology has made the use of resources like water, energy, and land.

IoT farming relies on collecting data from various sensors from the fields that help farmers accurately. It allocates just enough resources for the one plant.

Cleaner process

IoT based technology systems in farming help producers to save water and energy. It makes farming greener by using less amount of pesticides and fertilizer.

This system allows getting cleaner and more organic crops compared to the agriculture methods without an IoT system.


The agility process has increased in agriculture. All thanks to real-time monitoring and prediction systems of IoT. It allows farmers to save their crops in the extreme conditions of weather changes.

Farmers can use the information provided by the system to quickly respond to air quality, change in weather, humidity, also the health of each crop or soil in the field.

Improved product quality

IoT technology systems help in growing more crops as well as improves the quality of crops. We can use soil sensors, farms mapping, crop sensors, aerial drone monitoring.

Internet of Things (IoT) applications in agriculture for farmers to better understand detailed dependencies between the conditions and the quality of the crops.

Connected systems of IoT can recreate the best conditions and can increase the nutritional value of the products. All these factors can eventually lead farmers crop to higher revenue.

Real-time applications

Collection information from the IoT system helps farmers in identifying the conditions of their livestock. Such as separating sick animals, preventing spreading the disease, etc.

Nowadays, smart neck collars are available for cows. They launched smart neck collars for cows. We can monitor temperature, activity, rumination, health alerts, disease symptoms, and feed optimization.

Smart sensors of this system collect useful information on weather and send the necessary information or date to farmers. Farmers get readymade data which are analysed by special software.

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#benefits of iot in agriculture

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