No-code continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) vendor ShuttleOps has added drag-and-drop functionality for building and deploying Docker container images to Kubernetes clusters. It’s part of an effort to help organizations speed application delivery and close the skills gap with these emerging technologies.

With Docker and Kubernetes support, the platform can manage application runtime configurations and automate application delivery across Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

The ShuttleOps platform manages YAML files so the user doesn’t have to.

Between application development and production, there are an array of tools designed to help companies delivery software faster, though each tool requires time to get teams up to speed on them, not to mention the time spent tending the various artifact management, secret management, cloud, container, deployment and configuration management technologies.

“These are wonderful, great point solutions. But each one really cuts into ROI. That time to ROI is extended because of the knowledge gaps. And you have to have teams get on board and [there’s] a cost associated with attrition that’s being now magnified If you lose team members that are specialized in a particular stack,” said ShuttleOps CEO David Found.

ShuttleOps’ answer is to automate manual tasks with a no-code visual pipeline editor. With just a few clicks, users can build, configure, secure, provision and deploy applications.

While many of the CI/CD tools also aim to provide the sort of end-to-end management as ShuttleOps, “they’re still staying within their very technical silo and still requiring a lot of either medium amount or a lot of code in order to achieve that,” according to Found.

The Toronto-based company released its no-code software-as-a-service CI/CD offering in May, at that time supporting only the packaging capabilities of Chef Habitat and with secrets management with HashiCorp Vault.

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ShuttleOps: No-Code Docker and Kubernetes
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