By: Aaron Soellinger & Will Kunz @

When designing the MLOps stack for our project, we needed a solution that allowed for a high degree of customization and flexibility to evolve as our experimentation dictated. We considered large platforms that encompassed many functions, but found it limiting in some key areas. Ultimately we decided on an approach where separate specialized tools were implemented for labeling, data versioning, and continuous integration. This article documents our experience building this custom MLOps approach.

Photo by  Finding Dan | Dan Grinwis on  Unsplash


(Taken from

The classic problem using Jupyter for development was moving from prototype to production required copy/pasting code from a notebook to a python module. NBDEV automates the transition between notebook and module, thus enabling the Jupyter notebook to be an official part of a production pipeline. NBDEV allows the developer to state which module a notebook should create, which notebook cells to push to the module and which notebook cells are tests. A key capability of NBDEV is its approach to testing within the notebooks, and the NBDEV template even provides a base Github Action to implement testing in the CI/CD framework. The resulting Python module requires no editing by the developer, and can easily be integrated into other notebooks or the project at large using built-in python import functionality.

#machine-learning #continuous-integration #mlops #github

Adventures in MLOps with Github Actions,, Label Studio and NBDEV
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