A growing number of businesses are shifting to serverless tech solutions, allowing them to remain completely focused on their platform by eliminating the need to manage server software and hardware.

Serverless architecture, also known as serverless backend or serverless computing, is a software design concept in which all applications are hosted and managed by a third-party resource. The external service comprehensively maintains the server hardware and software, leaving the platform operators free to devote their resources to the platform itself. Typically, the related applications are divided into individual functions, allowing for exceptional flexibility and scalability, while centralized hardware and software management improves efficiency while reducing the hosting cost incurred by platform owners. The third-party service handles server provisioning and maintenance while being responsible for managing scaling, capacity planning, and execution.

Is Serverless the Right Choice for Your Video Platform?

Many digital businesses can derive extraordinary benefits by switching to a serverless computing model. Serverless deployment allows companies to execute and scale functions in immediate response to fluctuations in market demand. The greatly enhanced flexibility for expansion allows the developers and IT operations team to increase their focus on critical business tasks.

The list of media & entertainment companies that are advantageously using serverless infrastructure is vast, including SoundCloud, Spotify, BBC, Newsweek, and many more. By allowing for scalability and fluctuations in traffic without the need for in-house resource allotment, combined with robust computing capabilities and third-party management of hardware and software, serverless architecture provides an efficient and affordable infrastructure with the flexibility to seamlessly expand as a platform’s demand grows.

The typical use cases that most often call for a serverless environment include:

  • Event-triggered Computing: Platforms involving multiple devices requesting access to a range of file types benefit from the core algorithm library hosted by a third-party service.
  • Multimedia Processing: The massive quantity of data involved in multimedia processing requires significant computing resources. Serverless architecture provides exceptional scalability and loads flexibility in these scenarios.
  • Live Video Broadcasting: Serverless architecture provides the capability to collect audio and video streams from multiple sources, which are subsequently synthesized and presented to viewers in a single view.
  • Fluctuating Demand: Many platforms experience significant fluctuations in demand. A serverless environment allows for massive shifts in traffic volume without the need for platform owners to invest in additional in-house computing resources to handle the load.
  • Infrastructure Costs: Serverless infrastructure is typically billed on the pay-as-you-go basis: less content – lower the bill and vice versa.

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Migrating To Serverless Video Streaming Platforms like AWS Elemental
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