This is a comprehensive laravel post; in this tutorial, we will look at how to build a dynamic autocomplete search using the Select2 jQuery plugin in Laravel 7 with AJAX.

Let me give you an overview of how we will proceed. We will install a new laravel application, make the database connection and pour some fake movies data into it. Afterward, we will create a model and a controller and bind it to view. Lastly, i will create a view and relentlessly add Bootstrap 5 and implement Select2 JavaScript CDN link to create an autocomplete search.

Table of Contents

  1. Install Laravel Application
  2. Configure Database
  3. Model & Migration
  4. Create Routes
  5. Create Autocomplete Controller
  6. Create View
  7. Test App

#laravel #laravel 7 #select2

Laravel 7 Dynamic Autocomplete Search with Select2 Example
13.75 GEEK