This is the second of two articles about writing and testing DevOps-y Lambdas. It focuses on implementing readable and meaningful unit tests that don’t require complicated setups.

Much like software applications, infrastructure provisioning has moved away from monolithic solutions, shifting focus towards decoupled components and utilisation of public service APIs. Tasks that traditionally would have required a great deal of orchestration and heavy tooling have transformed into lightweight event-driven services. Frameworks like the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) have come a long way and make it easy to implement complex applications in a “microservice-style”, often with little more than a few Lambdas as building blocks.

In the previous article, I’ve shared my thoughts on implementing readable, testable and maintainable AWS Lambdas. In this article, I’ll write about unit-testing the code.

From my own experience, I know that unit tests can be tricky for many DevOps projects — Which seems to be mostly due to the mechanics of writing good tests, as well as people’s creativity when it comes to why it’s just not the right time for it :)

This is not the place to argue against ‘there is no time for tests’ (for the record: I wholeheartedly disagree), so let me move on to demonstrate that writing meaningful tests for AWS Lambda is not difficult at all.

What to expect

I will be using the same exemplary problem statement than before (“Restricting inbound and outbound traffic for default security groups”), but will now focus at the testing side of things.

#aws-lambda #serverless #python #unit-testing #devops

No Time for Tests? — 12 Recommendations on Unit-Testing AWS Lambdas
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