Redux Toolkit is the official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development. Mark Erikson (@acmemarke), long-time Redux maintainer and avid blogger about all things web development showed us the potential of Redux in action with an awesome demo!

Some handy links you might encounter in the video:

  • 00:00 - Intro
  • 00:25 - Meet Mark Erikson
  • 02:57 - Is Redux dead?
  • 06:25 - Redux is a jack of all trades
  • 09:00 - What makes the Modern Redux tick? v7.1, Hooks
  • 10:43 - useSelector hook
  • 11:31 - useDispatch
  • 13:23 - What is Redux ToolKit & what does it do?
  • 15:30 - configureStore
  • 17:00 - Immer
  • 18:25 - createReducer API
  • 19:19 - createAction
  • 19:57 - createSlice
  • 23:27 - createSelector
  • 23:40 - createAsyncThunk
  • 24:40 - createEntityAdapter
  • 26:43 - Redux Toolkit safety check
  • 28:20 - Redux Toolkit: RTK Query
  • 32:57 - App Setup
  • 34:05 - App Usage
  • 35:05 - Redux Templates for Create-React-App
  • 35:40 - Coding demo time! - Redux + TypeScrypt + Vite App Example
  • 47:28 - RTK Query Overview
  • 50:05 - New “Redux Essential” Tutorial
  • 51:35 - Outro

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Modern Redux with Redux Toolkit
2.30 GEEK