Project Lombok tutorial in Spring Boot with example || Java || Spring MVC || [Live Demo]

What is the need of Project Lombok ?
To reduce Boilerplate code in Java like getters,setters, toString methods ,constructor etc.
Languages like Kotlin and Scala which is also JVM based doesn’t have this boilerplate code

What is Project Lombok ?
Project lombok is a Java library tool which is used to minimize/remove the boilerplate code and save the precious time of developer during development.
We can achieve this thing by using some annotation provided by lombok
It also increases the readability of the source code and saves some space

How to configure project lombok to eclipse

Comparison of Code with and without lombok

Lombok Annotation
@Getter and @Setter

#java #spring-boot #programming #developer

Project Lombok tutorial in Spring Boot with example | Java | Spring MVC | [Live Demo]
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