Benefits of Using Static Site Generators

  • Talking about the advantages of using static site generators, then there are so many. Comparing to the Traditional dynamic websites, it improves the loading speed and overall website performance to a greater extent.
  • Static site generator improves the loading speed of the website since it generates your website’s pages during build time instead of real-time.
  • Static site generators are known for its high-end security since it only uses a set of static assets that can be served using a simplified webserver.
  • Static site generator’s architecture optimized for scaling by default due to the presence of a pre-build site, everything would be cached using CDN and served directly to the website visitors.
  • The use of a static site generator reduces the extra cost of hosting bills, as here you can serve the static sites using the CDNs.

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How to Choose the Best Static Site Generator Between Gatsby and Gridsome
1.10 GEEK