Vercel is a deployment and collaboration platform that enables frontend developers to build high-performance  Jamstack websites and applications. Vercel is also the creator of Next.js, a React framework developed in collaboration with engineers at Google and Facebook in 2016. Vercel users can leverage a built-in deployment tool that manages the build and rendering process, as well as a proprietary  Edge Network that caches their sites for fast retrieval. Additionally, Vercel offers  Serverless Functions, which allow users to deploy serverless code to accomplish essential backend processes like user authentication, form submission, and database queries.

We’re proud to partner with Vercel to offer a comprehensive monitoring solution for your Vercel Serverless Functions and your sites’ performance. In this post, we’ll look at how Datadog’s Vercel integration enables you to ingest all your function logs for analysis and long-term storage. We’ll also cover how to use Datadog Synthetics to create browser tests to track the frontend performance of your Vercel-powered applications.

Send your function logs to Datadog

Vercel Serverless Functions emit two types of logs. Request logs provide HTTP request data for calls to your functions, including the HTTP response code, region, request duration, function name, memory used, and the URL path invoked. This enables you to track things like which functions are invoked most often and how well they perform. Application logs (e.g., output to console.log) let you collect additional custom log data to help test and debug your functions, as well as business data such as transaction amounts or customer info.

Monitor your function performance with request logs

Once you set up the  integration, logs from your functions will begin to stream into Datadog, where you can archive and analyze them alongside logs from across your infrastructure. Using the Log Explorer, you can quickly home in on errors by filtering to logs tagged with a particular error code, for example, and then looking for correlations with a specific region or deployment. Or, you can group error logs by endpoint URL to surface which specific function endpoints are experiencing the most errors. By selecting a log event, you can dive into the full details, such as the user’s location and browser, and the memory used by the function, for more context to understand the error. For example, you might find that your functions are using too much memory and exceeding their  established limits.

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Monitor Vercel Serverless Functions with Datadog
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