Draggable/Droppable/Sortable Components In Vanilla JavaScript


Most of UI developers that worked with web apps from 2008 to 2014 certainly used or at least searched for a library implementing Drag & Drop support. From all the libraries that were available within that period, jQuery UI was certainly one of the best choices.

Years later, most of the web applications are tied to frameworks or rendering libraries like Angular, Vue and React and keeping jQuery and jQuery UI as a dependency to these projects can be a headache. In fact, moving away from jQuery is something that many development teams have experienced after these frameworks came into the scene.

However, finding a good replacement for what jQuery UI used to offer in terms of drag/drop capabilities is not easy. If you are looking for a solution that is tied to your framework/library of choice, there are plenty of options for you. But if you are looking for a VanillaJS based and agnostic implementation of drag & drop, you can find yourself browsing for a couple of hours finding just a few consistent options.

Shopify/Draggable is a nice alternative, although it has some crucial behaviour changes compared with what jQuery UI used to offer. SortableJS offers something similar to what the jQuery UI`s Sortable widget offers. By looking at the examples, it seems to be even possible to mimic the behavior of the “connectToSortable” option of jQuery UI’s Draggable widget, that allows an item to be dragged onto a list that has sort capabilities. Native Drag & Drop implementation from the browser? Forget it until it can support dragging an element using a cloned helper node. Furthermore, the API offered by the native implementation really sucks.

The solution? Translate the implementation of the Draggable, Droppable and Sortable widgets from jQuery UI into an agnostic, VanillaJS and ES6+ based library. Most of the options and features found in the original implementation by jQuery UI’s team are here. The ones that were not translated/rewritten were just not part of the subset of features considered to be the most important ones. This doesn’t mean that contributors cannot help finishing the task of bringing them in.


Using NPM, type in the following command to install agnostic-draggable:

npm i agnostic-draggable --save

Usage and Documentation


Enables dragging functionality on any DOM element. Move the Draggable element by clicking on it and dragging it anywhere within the viewport.

Elements modified or created will use the same CSS classes inherited from jQuery UI’s implementation:

  • ui-draggable: the element being dragged
  • ui-draggable-handle: the handle of the draggable element. By default, each draggable is also a handle
  • ui-draggable-helper: the dragging helper


Name Type Default Description
appendTo {String} parent Where to append the dragging helper.
axis {String} null Constraint dragging movement to an axis.
connectToSortable {String} null Allows the Draggable to be dropped onto the specified Sortable elements.
containment {String,Array} null Constraints dragging movement to an element or region.
cursor {String} null Allows changing the cursor style while dragging.
disabled {Boolean} false Allows disabling the dragging behaviour.
distance {Number} 0 Distance in pixels before dragging can start.
grid {Array} null Snaps the dragging helper to a grid, every x and y pixels.
handle {String} null Dragging only starts if click matches this selector.
helper {String,Function} original Configures the dragging helper node.
opacity {Number} null Allows changing the opacity while dragging.
revert {Boolean,String,Function} false Whether the element should be reverted after dragging stops.
revertDuration {Number} 200 Duration in milliseconds of the revert animation.
scope {String} default Used to group sets of Draggable, Droppable and Sortable elements.
scroll {Boolean} true Allows auto-scrolling within the container.
scrollSensitivity {Number} 20 Scroll sensitivity in pixels.
scrollSpeed {Number} 10 Scroll speed in pixels.
skip {String} input, textarea, button, select, option Prevents dragging when this CSS selector is matched.
stack {String} null Manages the z-indexes of Draggable elements matching this CSS selector.
zIndex {Number} null Allows changing the z-index while dragging.


Type: String
Default: parent
Accepted values: parent or a CSS selector

Which element the dragging helper should be appended to while dragging. Only works when the helper option is set to not use the original element.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	appendTo: 'body'


Type: String
Default: null
Accepted values: x or y

Constrains dragging to either the horizontal (x) or vertical (y) axis.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	axis: 'x'


Type: String
Default: null
Accepted values: a CSS selector

Allows the Draggable to be dropped onto the specified Sortables. If this option is used, a Draggable can be dropped onto a Sortable list and then becomes part of it. Note: The helper option must be set to clone in order to work flawlessly.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Draggable, Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	connectToSortable: '#sort1'
new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'));


Type: String,Array
Default: null
Accepted values: parent, document, window, a CSS selector or an array of 4 numbers in the form [x1, y1, x2, y2]

Constrains dragging to within the bounds of the specified element or region.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
<div id="drag2">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	containment: 'window'
new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag2'), {
	containment: [100, 100, 800, 800]


Type: String
Default: null
Accepted values: any values accepted by the cursor CSS property

Allows changing the cursor style while dragging the element.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	cursor: 'move'


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Determines whether the Draggable instance should be disabled.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	disabled: true


Type: Number
Default: 0

Distance in pixels that the mouse should move before the dragging should start. Prevents unwanted drags when the Draggable element is clicked.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	distance: 10


Type: Array
Default: null
Accepted values: an array of 2 numbers in the form [x, y]

Snaps the dragging helper to a grid, every x and y pixels.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	grid: [10, 10]


Type: String
Default: null
Accepted values: a CSS selector

If specified, restricts dragging from starting unless the mousedown occurs on the specified element(s). Only elements that descend from the Draggable element are permitted.

<div id="drag1">
	<span class="handle">Drag Me</span>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	handle: '.handle'


Type: String,Function
Default: original
Accepted values: original, helper or a function

Allows for a helper element to be used for dragging display. If set to clone, then the element will be cloned and the clone will be dragged.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	helper: 'clone'


Type: Number
Default: null

Allows changing the opacity of the element while being dragged.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	opacity: 0.5


Type: Boolean,String,Function
Default: false
Accepted values: invalid, valid, true, false or a function

Whether the element should revert to its start position when dragging stops. If set to true, the element will always revert. If set to invalid or valid it will respectively revert if dropped on a Droppable or not. If it’s a function, it must return true to indicate that the element should revert.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	revert: 'invalid'


Type: Number
Default: 200

Uses an animation with this specific duration in milliseconds when reverting the element.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	revert: 'invalid',
	revertDuration: 500


Type: String
Default: default

Used to group sets of Draggable, Droppable and Sortable elements, in addition to Droppable’s accept option. A Draggable with the same scope value as a Droppable will be accepted by it.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	scope: 'my-scope'


Type: Boolean
Default: true

If this option is set to true, the container of the element will auto-scroll if needed.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	scroll: true


Type: Number
Default: 20

Determines how close to the edge of the viewport the auto-scroll should happen. Distance is realtive to the mouse pointer, not to the dragging element.

This option is ignored if scroll is set to false.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	scroll: true,
	scrollSensitivity: 50


Type: Number
Default: 10

The speed in pixels at which the container should auto-scroll when the distance in scrollSensitivity is met.

This option is ignored if scroll is set to false.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	scroll: true,
	scrollSpeed: 20


Type: String
Default: input, textarea, button, select, option
Accepted values: a CSS selector

Prevents dragging if the clicked element matches the given CSS selector.

<div id="drag1">
	<span class="skip">Don't Drag Me</span>
	<span>Drag Me</span>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	skip: '.skip'


Type: String
Default: null
Accepted values: a CSS selector

Manages the z-indexes of Draggable elements matching the given CSS selector. Brings the currently dragged element to the front compared with other members of the stack.

<div id="drag1" class="draggable">Drag Me</div>
<div id="drag2" class="draggable">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	stack: '.draggable'
new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag2'), {
	stack: '.draggable'


Type: Number
Default: null

Allows to change the z-index of the element when being dragged.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	zIndex: 1000


Name Description
draggable:init Called when the Draggable is initialized.
drag:start Called when the drag operation is started. Can be canceled.
drag:move Called while dragging the element. Can be canceled.
drag:stop Called when the drag operation stops. Can be canceled, preventing an unwanted drop.
draggable:destroy Called when the Draggable is destroyed.

Cancelling an event

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
import { Draggable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), null, {
	'drag:start': function (event) {


Transforms elements into droppables or drop zones. This means that elements controlled by a Draggable can be dropped into a Droppable if accepted by them.

Elements modified or created will use the same CSS classes inherited from jQuery UI’s implementation:

  • ui-droppable: the droppable element
  • ui-droppable-active: identifies an active droppable element
  • ui-droppable-hover: used when the droppable has a draggable intersecting with it


Name Type Default Description
accept {String,Function} * Controls which Draggable elements are accepted.
disabled {Boolean} null Allows disabling the Droppable behaviour.
greedy {Boolean} false How to handle dropping on nested Droppable elements.
scope {String} default Used to group sets of Draggable, Droppable and Sortable elements.
tolerance {String} intersect Intersection mode between Draggables and Droppables.


Type: String,Function
Default: *
Accepted values: a CSS selector or a function

Controls which Draggable elements can be accepted by this Droppable. It can be a CSS selector that needs to match the accepted Draggables or a function that receives each dragging element and returns true if the element is accepted.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
<div id="drop1">Drop Here</div>
import { Draggable, Droppable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'));
new Droppable(document.querySelector('#drop1'), {
	accept: '#drag1'


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Allows disabling the Droppable if set to true.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
<div id="drop1">Drop Here</div>
import { Draggable, Droppable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'));
new Droppable(document.querySelector('#drop1'), {
	disabled: true


Type: Boolean
Default: false

By default, when an element is dropped on nested Droppables, each Droppable will receive the element. However, by setting this option to true, any parent Droppables will not receive the element.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
<div id="drop1">
	<div>Drop Here</div>
	<div id="drop2">Or Drop Here</div>
import { Draggable, Droppable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'));
new Droppable(document.querySelector('#drop1'), {
	accept: '#drag1'
new Droppable(document.querySelector('#drop2'), {
	accept: '#drag1',
	greedy: true


Type: String
Default: default

Used to group sets of Draggable, Droppable and Sortable elements, in addition to the accept option. A Droppable will only accept a Draggable of the same scope.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
<div id="drop1">Drop Here</div>
import { Draggable, Droppable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'), {
	scope: 'my-scope'
new Droppable(document.querySelector('#drop1'), {
	scope: 'my-scope'


Type: String
Default: intersect
Accepted values: fit, intersect, pointer or touch

Specifies which mode to use for testing whether a Draggable is hovering over a Droppable. The fit option requires the dragging element to overlap the droppable area entirely. The intersect option requires the dragging element to overlap the droppable area at 50% in both directions. The pointer requires the mouse pointer to overlap the droppable area. The touch requires the dragging element to overlap the droppable area in any amount or direction.

<div id="drag1">Drag Me</div>
<div id="drop1">Drop Here</div>
import { Draggable, Droppable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Draggable(document.querySelector('#drag1'));
new Droppable(document.querySelector('#drop1'), {
	disabled: true


Name Description
droppable:init Called when the Droppable is initialized.
droppable:activate Called when drag starts on a Draggable or Sortable accepted by the Droppable.
droppable:over Called when a Draggable or Sortable item intersects with the Droppable.
droppable:drop Called when a Draggable or Sortable item is dropped into the Droppable.
droppable:out Called when a Draggable or Sortable item is dragged out of the Droppable area.
droppable:deactivate Called when drag stops on a Draggable or Sortable accepted by the Droppable.
draggable:destry Called when the Droppable is destroyed.


Transforms elements that contains multiple child nodes in a way that these child nodes can be sorted by using the mouse.

Elements modified or created will use the same CSS classes inherited from jQuery UI’s implementation:

  • ui-sortable: the element containing the sortable elements
  • ui-sortable-handle: the handle of each sortable item. By default, each sortable item is also a handle
  • ui-sortable-helper: the element shown when dragging a sortable item
  • ui-sortable-placeholder: the element used to show the future position of the item being dragged

In order to use this component to sort table rows, the element passed should be the tbody, not the table.


Name Type Default Description
appendTo {String} * Where to append the sorting helper.
axis {String} null Constraint sorting movement to an axis.
connectWith {String} null Allows to connect to other Sortable instances.
containment {String,Array} null Constraints sorting movement to an element or region.
cursor {String} null Style for the cursor while sorting.
disabled {Boolean} false Allows disabling the sorting behaviour.
distance {Number} 0 Distance in pixels before sorting can start.
dropOnEmpty {Boolean} false Whether items from this Sortable can be dropped on empty Sortables.
forceHelperSize {Boolean} false Whether to force the sorting helper to have a size.
forcePlaceholderSize {Boolean} false Whether to force the sorting placeholder to have a size.
grid {Array} * Snaps the sorting helper to a grid, every x and y pixels.
handle {String} null Sorting only starts if click matches this selector.
helper {String,Function} original Configures the sorting helper node.
items {String,Function} null Specifies which items should be sortable.
opacity {Number} null` Allows changing the opacity while sorting.
revert {Boolean,String,Function} false Whether the sortable item should be reverted after sort stops.
revertDuration {Number} 200 Duration in milliseconds of the revert animation.
scope {String} default Used to group sets of draggable, droppable and sortable elements.
scroll {Boolean} true Allows auto-scrolling within the container.
scrollSensitivity {Number} 20 Scroll sensitivity in pixels.
scrollSpeed {Number} 10 Scroll speed in pixels.
skip {String} input, textarea, button, select, option Prevents sorting if this CSS selector is matched.
tolerance {String} intersect Intersection mode between sortable items.
zIndex {Number} null Allows changing the z-index while sorting.


Type: String
Default: parent
Accepted values: parent or a CSS selector

Which element the sorting helper should be appended to while sorting. Only works when the helper option is set to not use the original element.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	appendTo: 'body'


Type: String
Default: null
Accepted values: x or y

Constrains sorting to either the horizontal (x) or vertical (y) axis.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	axis: 'x'


Type: String
Default: null
Accepted values: a CSS selector

A selector of other Sortable elements that the items from this list should be connected to. This is a one-way relationship, if you want the items to be connected in both directions, the connectWith option must be set on both Sortable elements.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
<div id="sort2">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	connectWith: '#sort2'


Type: String,Array
Default: null
Accepted values: parent, document, window, a CSS selector or an array of 4 numbers in the form [x1, y1, x2, y2]

Constrains sorting to within the bounds of the specified element or region.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	containment: 'window'


Type: String
Default: null
Accepted values: any values accepted by the cursor CSS property

Allows changing the cursor style while sorting items.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	cursor: 'move'


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Determines whether the Sortable instance should be disabled.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	disabled: true


Type: Number
Default: 0

Distance in pixels that the mouse should move before the sorting should start. Prevents unwanted sorts when sortable items are clicked.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	distance: 10


Type: Boolean
Default: false

If false, items from this Sortable can’t be dropped on an empty connected Sortable (see the connectWith option.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
<div id="sort2">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	connectWith: '#sort2',
	dropOnEmpty: true


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Whether to force the sorting helper to have a size.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	forceHelperSize: true


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Whether to force the sorting placeholder to have a size.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	forcePlaceholderSize: true


Type: Array
Default: null
Accepted values: an array of 2 numbers in the form [x, y]

Snaps the sorting helper to a grid, every x and y pixels.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	grid: [10, 10]


Type: String
Default: null
Accepted values: a CSS selector

If specified, restricts sorting from starting unless the mousedown occurs on the specified element(s). Only elements that descend from the sortable items are permitted.

<div id="sort1">
		<div class="handle">Sort Me</div>
		<div class="handle">Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	handle: '.handle'


Type: String,Function
Default: original
Accepted values: original, helper or a function

Allows for a helper element to be used for sorting display. If set to clone, then the item being sorted will be cloned and the clone will be dragged.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	helper: 'clone'


Type: String,Function
Default: null
Accepted values: a CSS selector or a function

Specifies how to find the sortable items. It can be provided as a CSS selector or a function returning an array of sortable nodes

By default, all the direct descendants of the element will be considered sortable.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	items: 'div'


Type: Number
Default: null

Allows changing the opacity of the items while being sorted.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	opacity: 0.5


Type: Boolean,String,Function
Default: false
Accepted values: invalid, valid, true, false or a function

Whether the sortable item should revert to its start position when sorting stops. If set to true, the sortable item will always revert. If set to invalid or valid it will respectively revert if dropped on a droppable or not. If it’s a function, it must return true to indicate that the sortable item should revert.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	revert: 'invalid'


Type: Number
Default: 200

Uses an animation with this specific duration in milliseconds when reverting the items.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	revert: 'invalid',
	revertDuration: 500


Type: String
Default: default

Used to group sets of Draggable, Droppable and Sortable elements, in addition to Droppable’s accept option. A Sortable with the same scope value as a Droppable will be accepted by it.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	scope: 'my-scope'


Type: Boolean
Default: true

If this option is set to true, the container of the element will auto-scroll if needed.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	scroll: true


Type: Number
Default: 20

Determines how close to the edge of the viewport the auto-scroll should happen. Distance is realtive to the mouse pointer, not to the sorting item.

This option is ignored if scroll is set to false.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	scroll: true,
	scrollSensitivity: 50


Type: Number
Default: 10

The speed in pixels at which the container should auto-scroll when the distance in scrollSensitivity is met.

This option is ignored if scroll is set to false.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	scroll: true,
	scrollSpeed: 20


Type: String
Default: input, textarea, button, select, option
Accepted values: a CSS selector

Prevents sorting if the clicked element matches the given CSS selector.

<div id="sort1">
		<span class="skip">Don't Sort Me</span>
		<span>Sort Me</span>
		<span class="skip">Don't Sort Me</span>
		<span>Sort Me</span>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	skip: '.skip'


Type: String
Default: null
Accepted values: intersect or pointer

Specifies which mode to use for testing whether the item being moved is hovering over another item.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	tolerance: 'pointer'


Type: Number
Default: null

Allows to change the z-index of the item when being sorted.

<div id="sort1">
	<div>Sort Me</div>
	<div>Sort Me</div>
import { Sortable } from 'agnostic-draggable';

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#sort1'), {
	zIndex: 1000


Name Description
sortable:init Called when the Sortable is initialized.
sortable:activate Called when drag/sort starts on a connected Draggable or Sortable.
sort:start Called when the sort operation is started. Can be canceled.
sort:move Called while sorting an item. Can be canceled.
sort:stop Called when the sort operation stops. Can be canceled to prevent an unwanted sort or drop.
sortable:over Called when a connected Draggable or Sortable item intersects with the Sortable.
sortable:change Called whenever the sort order is changed within a Sortable list.
sortable:remove Called when an item is removed from a Sortable.
sortable:receive Called when a new item (from a connected Draggable or Sortable) is received by a Sortable.
sortable:update Called when the items of a Sortable were updated.
sortable:out Called when a connected Draggable or Sortable item is dragged out of the Sortable area.
sortable:deactivate Called when drag/sort stops on a connected Draggable or Sortable.
sortable:destroy Called when the Sortable is destroyed.


Feel free to submit pull requests. The most wanted help would be bringing the remaining features from jQuery UI’s that were not translated to this library. However, other new features and fixes for any kind of defects are very welcome.

Download Details:

Author: marcospont

Source Code: https://github.com/marcospont/agnostic-draggable


Draggable/Droppable/Sortable Components In Vanilla JavaScript
10.70 GEEK