Build ECommerce Website Like Amazon For All Levels Developers.

00:00 Introduction
00:02:00 Part 01- What is this course about
00:08:26 Part 02- Install Tools (VS Code, Chrome)
00:12:36 Part 03- Website Template (HTML, CSS)
00:29:47 Part 04- Products List (Grid, Flexbox)
00:41:54 Part 05- Create Sidebar (JavaScript)
00:52:39 Part 06- Create React App (React)
01:01:09 Part 07- Render Products (JSX)
01:06:30 Part 08- Product Details (React Router)
01:30:53 Part 09- Create Node Server (Node.js)
01:39:52 Part 10- Fetch Server Data (React Hooks)
01:47:55 Part 11- Manage State With Redux (Redux)
02:07:11 Part 12- Add Redux To Details (Advanced)
02:29:23 Part 13- Shopping Cart Screen (Advanced)
03:08:11 Part 14- Connect MongoDB (Mongoose)
03:21:35 Part 15- Sign In User (JWT Authentication)
03:56:02 Part 16- Manage Products (React Modal)
04:38:43 Part 17- Checkout Wizard (React Wizard)

  1. HTML5 and CSS3: Semantic Elements, CSS Grid, Flexbox
  2. React: Components, Props, Events, Hooks, Router, Axios
  3. Redux: Store, Reducers, Actions
  4. Node & Express: Web API, Body Parser, File Upload, JWT
  5. MongoDB: Mongoose, Aggregation
  6. Development: ESLint, Babel, Git, Github,
  7. Deployment: Heroku

#react #node #programming #html5 #css3 #redux

React & Node Tutorial - Full ECommerce in 5 Hours [2020]
27.50 GEEK