Redis is an in-memory data structure used for cache. In this blog, we will implement a simple Node.js app that uses Redis, and also we will be using Upstash — Serverless

Database for Redis.

What is Redis?

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store, used as a NoSQL database for the cache to improve the overall response rate for most frequently requested data.

In this blog, we will develop Notes Taking App API, We will implement two feature,

  1. Take a note from the user.
  2. Return a note back to the user.

But here will use Redis, to cache note. If the user requests the same note frequently, we will return notes stored in Redis.


1\. POST => /api/notes => Create notes
2\. GET  => /api/notes/:id => Get a note

#redis #nodejs #javascript #expressjs #serverless

Introduction to Redis and Caching with Node.js using Upstash
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