Step 1: Install NFS Kernel Server in Ubuntu
The first step is to install the nfs-kernel-server package on the server. But before we do this, let’s first update the system packages using the following apt command.
Step 2: Create an NFS Export Directory
The second step will be creating a directory that will be shared among client systems.
Step 3: Grant NFS Share Access to Client Systems
Permissions for accessing the NFS server are defined in the /etc/exports file.
Step 4: Export the NFS Share Directory
After granting access to the preferred client systems, export the NFS share directory and restart the NFS kernel server for the changes to come into effect.
Step 5: Allow NFS Access through the Firewall
For the client to access the NFS share, you need to allow access through the firewall otherwise, accessing and mounting the shared directory will be impossible.

#ubuntu #nfs #configure #nfs server #ubuntu 18.04

How to Install and Configure an NFS Server on Ubuntu 18.04
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