We’ve already mentioned our idea of VueConf 2017 some time ago and if you’re a Vue.js developer you probably know the news.

Monterail together with Evan You (the creator of Vue.js) is organizing the first worldwide conference focused on Vue.js! It will be held from June 21-23 in Wrocław, Poland, and we just cannot be more excited!

In two days (March 9) at 3 pm CET we’re starting the early bird ticket sale (first 10 tickets for 199€ + VAT) on the VueConf website, so if you want to meet Evan YouSarah Drasner (CSS-Tricks), Blake Newman (Sainsbury’s), Jacob Schatz (GitLab), and other field experts, this is the place to be.

What’s the idea behind VueConf?

VueConf is an international conference for like-minded developers and Vue hobbyists. We want to bring the most inspiring tech-talks and in-depth case studies from the community’s leading developers. If you’re looking for Vue.js 101, you will not find it at VueConf. Presented talks will cover advanced topics such as testing, animations and large-scale applications, all based on real-life case studies from various companies around the world.

It’s our job to provide you with the best possible experience and space to learn something new. Zero sales and marketing talks that no one wants to hear.

Besides the conference talks, we invite all attendees to an afterparty and a Wroclaw sightseeing tour! VueConf is also about meeting new people and spending some memorable moments in the most beautiful city in Poland.

#vueconf #vue.js #conference

VueConf Early Bird Tickets Sale Starts in Two Days
8.30 GEEK