Alice has the next big idea. She has built every system needed and is now looking for storing data for it in a key-value store. In this article, we’ll explore her journey and learn more about the internals of databases.


  • Table (File Storage)
  • Indexed Table
  • B+ Trees
  • LSM Trees
  • Research on LSM Trees: Monkey and Silk

Table (File Storage)

[Very small data]

Alice wants to test her application. Her requirement is just storing about 50 key-value pairs. She would be hitting the database twice for reading and once for write per second. She uses a simple file storage system — a file persisted to disk with 2 columns — Key and Value. For reads, she scans through the file. For writes, she inserts the required data into the file in the end.

She tests her application — reads and writes are blazingly fast!

#backend #scaling #lsm #databse #b-tree

Key-Value Pair Database Internals
1.20 GEEK