6 Best Vue.js Calendar Components To Render Event Calendars On The App

Vue Functional Calendar

Vue.js Functional Calendar | Component/Package https://vue-functional-calendar.now.sh/
Modern calendar and datepicker module for Vue.js

"Vue Functional Calendar"

  • Lightweight, high-performance calendar component based on Vue.js
  • Small memory usage, good performance, good style, and high scalability
  • Native js development, no third-party library introduced
  • Date Picker, Date Range, Multiple Calendars, Modal Calendar

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Vue Sweet Calendar

A simple and sweet vue.js calendar

"Vue Sweet Calendar"

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V Calendar

An elegant calendar and datepicker plugin for Vuejs.
A lightweight, dependency-free plugin for building attributed calendars in Vue.js https://vcalendar.io

"V Calendar"

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Vue Event Calendar

A simple events calendar for Vue2, no dependencies except Vue2. responsive & mobile first. Live Demo Here

"Vue Event Calendar"

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Vue Simple Calendar

vue-simple-calendar is a flexible, themeable, lightweight calendar component for Vue that supports multi-day scheduled items.

Here’s a live demo page, and the repo for it: https://www.tallent.us/vue-simple-calendar/ https://github.com/richardtallent/vue-simple-calendar-sample

"Vue Simple Calendar"

There are other great calendar components out there, but most are either intended to be used as date pickers, or had way too many features for me. I wanted something that would simply show a month as a grid, and show scheduled activities (including multi-day items) on that grid. While the component goes beyond that simple use case, that is still the core focus.

  • Shows a traditional month-grid calendar. Also supports weeks, years, or multiple weeks, months, or years.

  • Can show scheduled “items,” including multi-day items, with optional time of day.

  • If there are too many items to see in a week, you can scroll to see the others.

  • If there are too many weeks to see in the calendar component, you can scroll to see the others.

  • Optional support for dragging and dropping items between dates.

  • Automatic localization / internationalization (can be overridden).

  • Lightweight!

  • Flexbox layout (look ma, no tables!).

  • No external dependencies (Moment, JQuery, etc.).

  • Various user events (clicks, drags, etc.) are emitted by the calendar component.

  • Weeks can start on any day of the week (defaults to Sunday).

  • Easy to theme (using CSS) to integrate with your own site

  • Easy to customize using Vue slots

  • Date range selection (programmatic or via user drag-select)
    What this component doesn’t try to do:

  • There will be no “agenda” view (time-of-day grid). Adding this view would require too much additional complexity.

  • There is no interface for managing calendar items. This is far too use-specific.

  • There is no built-in AJAX mechanism. This is also far too use-specific.

  • Only the Gregorian calendar is supported (7-day weeks, etc.).

  • It is not yet possible to “resize” items to cover more or fewer days. This may be added in the future.

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Vue Cal

A Vue JS full calendar, no dependency, no BS. 🤘 https://antoniandre.github.io/vue-cal

"Vue Cal"

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6 Best Vue.js Calendar Components To Render Event Calendars On The App
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