To create a site with WordPress, you usually have to rely on a service that gives you a complete package with the domino. This solution usually costs more than 50€ per year. And most frequently from the second year the price increases.

In this article, I will show you how to use free VMs to host your WordPress site, paying only the domain (12€), so you save a ton of money.

First, if you don’t have one, you need to buy a domain. I use to buy a domain.

After buying the domain, you need to create a virtual machine on google cloud or oracle cloud or something else. I recommend one of these two services because the basic VMs are free.

With google cloud the standard free VM has only 600 MB of ram, one share core and 30GB. In the other end if you use Oracle Cloud you have 1 GB of ram, two core and 50 GB.

All information about Oracle Cloud is here and you can register and create a VM (Free Tier).

I you want to use Google Cloud you can see this guide.

Personally, I have used Ubuntu as the operating system for the VM.

If you use oracle cloud you must open the port 443 and 80 (

#wordpress #docker

WordPress Site Under 12€ Year with Docker
1.10 GEEK