React Simple Data Binding example

In previous post, we created a simple React Hello World Application. This tutorial shows way to implement simple data binding with React.

I. Technologies

- React 16 - NodeJs 6.11.2 - NPM 3.10.10 - Yarn 1.5.1 - Babel 6.24.1

II. Practice

1. Goal

We will build a React Application that can receive click event to add/minus value to a variable, then update variable in UI immediately: react-bind-data-example-result

2. Project Structure


3. Step by Step

3.0 Set up Environment

We need NodeJs, Yarn and Babel to compile and run this example. Please visit Set up Environment for step by step.

3.1 Set up Project folder

Create folder for BindData project, then make subfolders and subfiles like this: react-example-create-folder

3.2 Dependency

Open package.json, write these lines for project information and dependency:

  "name": "bind-data",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "main": "index.js",
  "author": "JavaSampleApproach",
  "license": "MIT",
  "dependencies": {
    "babel-preset-env": "1.5.2",
    "babel-preset-react": "6.24.1"

3.3 index.html

This is the default HTML file that appears in the browser when we invokes our application. We also use this HTML file to embed React files and reference to our javascript app.js.

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React Simple Data Binding example

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React Simple Data Binding example » grokonez
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