PHP jquery ajax POST request with MySQL. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and submit a simple form in PHP using jQuery ajax post request. And how to submit a form data into MySQL database without the whole page refresh or reload. And also you will learn how to show an error message to the user if the user does not fill any form field.

And this tutorial also guide on how to send data to MySQL database using AJAX + jQuery + PHP without reloading the whole page and show a client-side validation error message if it has an error in the form.

PHP jQuery AJAX POST Form Data In Into MySQL DB Example

Just follow the few below steps and easily create and submit ajax form in PHP and MySQL with client-side validation.

  • Create Database And Table
  • Create a Database Connection File
  • Create An Ajax POST Form in PHP
  • Create An Ajax Data Store File

First of all, go to your PHPMyAdmin and create a table name customers with the following fields: name, email, message.

#ajax #php

PHP jQuery Ajax Post Tutorial Example
1.30 GEEK