Machine learning algorithms are tunable by multiple gauges called hyperparameters. Recent deep learning models are tunable by tens of hyperparameters, that together with data augmentation parameters and training procedure parameters create quite complex space. In the reinforcement learning domain, you should also count environment params.

Data scientists should control hyperparameter space well in order to make progress.

Here, we will show you recent practicestips & tricks, and tools to track hyperparameters efficiently and with minimal overhead. You will find yourself in control of most complex deep learning experiments!

Why should I track my hyperparameters? a.k.a. Why is that important?

Almost every deep learning experimentation guideline, like this deep learning book, advises you how to tune hyperparameters to make models work as expected. In the experiment-analyze-learn loop, data scientists must control what changes are being made, so that the “learn” part of the loop is working.

Oh, forgot to say that random seed is a hyperparameter as well (especially in the RL domain: check this reddit for example).

What is current practice in the hyperparameters tracking?

Let’s review one-by-one common practices for managing hyperparameters. We focus on how to build, keep and pass hyperparameters to your ML scripts.

#experiment management #hyperparameter optimization #machine-learning

How to Track Hyperparameters of Machine Learning Models?
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