Large Scale Vue Application Structure

Application Structure LIFT Principle

  • Locating our code is easy
  • Identify code at a glance
  • Flat structure as long as we can
  • Try to stay DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) or T-DRY

“Folders-by-Feature” Structure

Create folders named for the feature they represent. When a folder grows to contain more than 7 files, start to consider creating a folder for them. Your threshold may be different, so adjust as needed.


  • A developer can locate the code, identify what each file represents at a glance, the structure is flat as can be, and there is no repetitive nor redundant names.
  • The LIFT guidelines are all covered.
  • Helps reduce the app from becoming cluttered through organizing the content and keeping them aligned with the LIFT guidelines.
  • When there are a lot of files (10+) locating them is easier with a consistent folder structures and more difficult in flat structures.

Example Application Structure

├─ src
├── assets
├── components
│   └─ ResusableComponentA
│       ├─ index.js
│       ├─ ReusableComponentA.vue
│  		└─ ReusableComponentA.spec.js
├── lang
│   └─ index.js
├── mixins
│   ├─ resusableMixinA.js
│   └─ resusableMixinA.spec.js
├── modules
│   ├─ resusableModuleA.js
│   └─ resusableModuleA.spec.js
├── routes
│   └─ index.js
├── store
│   ├─ index.js
│   └─ modules
│       └─ exampleStoreModule
│           ├─ index.js
│           ├─ getters.js
│           ├─ getters.spec.js
│           ├─ mutations.js
│           ├─ mutations.spec.js
│           ├─ actions.js
│           ├─ actions.spec.js
│  		    ├─ mocks
│  		    │   └─ index.js
│  		    └─ api
│  		        └─ index.js
├── utils
│   ├─ index.js
│   └─ utility-a.js
├── views
│   └─ namespaceA
│       ├─ index.js
│       └─ namespaceSectionA
│           ├─ index.js
│           ├─ namespaceSectionA.vue
│  		    └─ namespaceSectionA.spec.js
├── main.js
├── App.vue

Directories Explained

Assets Directory

The assets directory contains un-compiled assets such as Less, Sass or JavaScript.

Components Directory

The components directory contains all reusable Vue.js Components.

Lang Directory

The lang directory contains application i18n translations and language settings.

Mixins Directory

The mixins directory contains reusable mixins for reusable components and view components.

Router Directory

The router directory contains application routes.

Store Directory

The store directory contains all Vuex Store files and modules.

Utils Directory

The utils directory contains application-wide utilities

Views Directory

The views directory contains application views and routes.


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Large Scale Vue Application Structure
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