In this article, I will explain the Room Persistence Library, and we will try to implement our first database.

Android Jetpack is a collection of components for Android development. Room database is a component for databases. Let me explain the Room in detail. We will be using Kotlin and Android Studio.

The Room persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow for more robust database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite.

Room database allows you to create a data cache to keep the application’s data. The cache serves as a single source of data and allows you to keep consistent data to use. That component works regardless of whether users have an internet connection.


  • Compile-time verification of SQL queries
  • Less boilerplate code
  • Easily integrated with other architecture components

Room has three main components:

  • Entity
  • DAO
  • Database

#android #kotlin

Basic Implementation of Room Database With Repository and ViewModel | Android Jetpack
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