Google Colab is a widely popular cloud service for machine learning that features free access to GPU and TPU computing. Follow this detailed guide to help you get up and running fast to develop your next deep learning algorithms with Colab.
Google Colab is one of the most famous cloud services for seasoned data scientists, researchers, and software engineers. While Google Colab seems easy to start, some things are difficult to use. In this guide, you will learn:

Why Colab
Creating a new notebook
Import Notebooks from GitHub/local machine
Google Drive with Colab
Keyboard shortcuts for Colab
Change Language (Python 3 -> Python 2)
Select GPU or TPU
Load Data from Drive
Load Data from Github Repository
Importing External Datasets such as from Kaggle
Download Packages
Bash commands in Colab

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A Complete guide to Google Colab for Deep Learning
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