
If you are here and a beginner, that means you want to learn everything about making an API request using Dart in Flutter, then you are in the right place for the HTTP tutorial. So without wasting any time, let’s start with this flutter tutorial. We will cover the essential topics required to work with the HTTP request in Dart.

What is Rest API in Dart ?

rest api flow

Rest APIs are a way to fetch data from the internet in flutter or communicate the server from the app and get some essential information from your server to the app. This information can be regarding your app’s data, user’s data, or any data you want to share globally from your app to all of your users.

This HTTP request fetches in a unique JSON format, and then the information is fetched from the JSON and put in the UI of the app.

Every programming language has a way of some internet connectivity i.e, use this rest API developed on the server and fetch data from the internet. To use this request feature, we have to add HTTP package in flutter, add this flutter package add in your project to use the http feature. Add this HTTP package to your pubspec.yaml, and run a command in terminal :

flutter packages get

#dart #flutter #async await #async function #cancel http api request in flutter #fetch data from the internet #flutter cancel future #flutter get request example #flutter post request example #future of flutter #http tutorial

6 Things About HTTP Request in Dart For Beginners
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