Day 14 of 30. We’re going to solve the famous Fibonacci sequence in a more Ruby Way, which will be much better (hopefully!) than the previous solution

Hey friends!

This is the blog post version of the Youtube video from the 30 Ruby Coding Challenges in 30 Days series

Fibonacci Sequence

It’s time to organize the kitchen and to get a better code design to solve the Fibonacci Sequence, which was the previous coding challenge:

We want to calculate the first N numbers in a Fibonacci sequence

This was the last coding solution:


def fibonacci(count)

n1 = 0

  n2 = 1

sequence = [n1, n2]

  while count > 2

# sum of the previous 2 numbers

    n3 = n1 + n2


      # assigning the new numbers to calculate the next number in the sequence

n1 = n2

    n2 = n3

count = count - 1


return sequence


puts fibonacci(8)

# 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13

You can be honest, it's not that great.

## The Ruby Way to Solve the Fibonacci Problem

### **Step 1**

Ruby allows us to go from one number to another in a sequence like this:


(0..10).each do |number|


In our example we want to avoid the count mutation (fancy name for change). We can do that by the following code:


(0…count).each do |number|


That’s great because Ruby will **automatically iterate over the array**

### **Step 2**

A better way to store the number in the sequence would be:


sequence << number if number <= 1

sequence << sequence[-1] + sequence[-2] if sequence.length >= 2

The complete code, a little bit leaner with a better strategy, would be:


def fibonacci(count)

  sequence = []  

(0…count).each do |number|

    sequence << number if number <= 1

sequence << sequence[-1] + sequence[-2] if sequence.length >= 2




Fantastic! Ruby deals with the problem really well!

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Day 14 of 30 Ruby Coding Challenge - Fibonacci Sequence the Ruby Way
6.25 GEEK