
One of Amazon Alexa’s greatest feature is the ability to add Skills to enhance the user experience according to a specific need.

Skills are applications that interact with Alexa’s core APIs that handles speech recognition, text-to-speech encoding and natural language processing. Alexa has a number of built-in ready skills, but you can also create new custom skills.

You can build a new Skill using the Amazon Developer Console. The console is a great tool with many pros, but over time, I felt that the command-line tool provides you with a better programming experience when developing your application. You can easily simulate, test, deploy, and automate integrating to your CI/CD deployment process.

In this post, I will walk through what I consider the easiest and most efficient way of building and maintaining an Alexa Skill using the ASK-CLI.

#alexa #programming #javascript #software-engineering #aws

How to Build an Alexa Skill using ASK CLI
3.60 GEEK