In my foray into cloud computing, I have decided to try out different things and document them in an article. My first article will be focused on sending CloudWatch notifications to a Slack workspace using the Slack Webhook and AWS Lambda function. The AWS Services that will be used to achieve this include an EC2 instance, CloudWatch, AWS SNS(Simple Notification Service) , Lambda & AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.

AWS CloudWatch

Amazon CloudWatch is a tool that captures all the information necessary to track the performance of all applications hosted in the AWS cloud. CloudWatch tracks measures like latency, request count, application logs, CPU usage, & other custom metrics. CloudWatch logs are captured in near-real-time and CloudWatch **_Alarms _**can be used to watch your metrics against a specified threshold and proactively make decisions like trigger an EC2 instance to auto-shutdown when the CPU usage crosses a particular threshold.


The EC2 instance will periodically send its CPU usage to CloudWatch. Once the CPU usage crosses a particular threshold (40%), the CloudWatch alarm goes from “OK” to “In Alarm”. When this happens, a message is sent to an SNS topic which in turn triggers a lambda function that retrieves the pre-saved slack webhook URL from SSM Parameter Store and sends a notification to the slack workspace.

Automation architecture from spinning up an EC2 instance to getting notifications on CloudWatch

Automation architecture from spinning up an EC2 instance to getting notifications on CloudWatch

Architecture for creating slack notifications from CloudWatch

#slackbot #aws #cloud-computing #cloudwatch #aws-lambda

Generate Slack Notifications for AWS CloudWatch Alarms
5.80 GEEK