• Quarkus is a full-stack, Kubernetes-native Java framework made for Java virtual machines (JVMs) and native compilation. Although many testing techniques remain the same, Quarkus provides supporting technologies to ease test set up and execution.
  • Testcontainers is a Java library that provides a way to start/stop Docker containers programmatically from the Java code. I supports out-of-the-box most used database containers, Kafka, Localstack, or WebDrivers to name a few.
  • Service virtualization is a technique used to simulate the behavior of dependencies of a service. Although service virtualization is commonly associated with REST API-based services, the same concept can be applied to any other kind of dependencies such as databases, ESBs, and JMS.

#testing #quarkus applications #writing clean #tests #testing quarkus

Testing Quarkus Web Applications: Writing Clean Component Tests
1.05 GEEK