1. Overview

In this short tutorial, we’re going to take a close look at how to disable logout redirects in Spring Security.

We’ll first start with a brief background on how the logout flow works in Spring Security. Then, we’ll illustrate, through a practical example, how to avoid user redirection after a successful logout.

2. Logout in Spring Security

In short, Spring Security provides out-of-box support for the logout mechanism through the logout() DSL method. Basically, Spring Security triggers log out when a user hits the default logout URL which is /logout.

It’s worth mentioning that the default value of the logout URL was /j_spring_security_logout before Spring Security 4.

Spring Security offers the possibility to redirect users to a particular URL after logging out. However, there are some occasions when we want to avoid this behavior.

So, without further ado, let’s see how to implement the logic of disabling logout redirects in Spring Security.

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How to Disable Spring Security Logout Redirects
11.40 GEEK