So moving on from where we left in our previous part. You can check the Part1 here in case you feel difficulty in understanding

[Task 4] Data Representation, Strings, and Permissions

This section will focus mainly on how data is represented on the Linux System. In addition to that don’t forget to use searching skills as some of the tasks may require independent research using Google or any other reference material.

We find our **Flag20 **in Alice directory. When we cat the output we find that the content is encoded using base64 and we need to decode it. As seen below we can recognize if some string is encoded with base64 by looking at the character set [A-Z, a-z, 0–9, + /]. So let’s decode the string to obtain our flag. Use the following command to decode cat flag20 | base64 — decode

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Decoding String to find out Flag 20

Moving on to our next **flag21. **This flag is a PHP file and by using less command we find our flag as seen below. Less basically outputs the content of files one page at a time, it’s similar to more but with more functionalities

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Write-Up 10- TryHackMe- Linux Challenges Part 2
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