Destructure props, named components, and more

React is meant to be an incredibly flexible software library, with no clear best practice when it comes to application structure or design. However, there are still some best practices and general rules that developers can use to write better React code.

Software architecture is meant to be productive and flexible for developers. The goal of good software is to keep the codebase maintainable and modular if any modifications or additions are needed.

I’ve put together some of the best practices I’ve picked for writing good React code, ones that have proven to be effective in applications large and small.

However, remember that these aren’t rules, these are opinions on what I’ve found the best practices are for writing good React code.

We’ll be divvying this up into a couple of sections and parts to make it easily digestible.


We’ll be starting off talking about components and their structure.

  • Name components
  • Write consistently organized components
  • Separate constants and helpers into different files
  • Destructure props
  • Don’t pass a ton of props in
  • Avoid nesting render functions
  • Conditional rendering practices
  • Assign default props when destructuring
  • Prefer passing objects
  • Move lists into separate components

#react #angular #javascript #web-development #programming

5 React Component Best Practices You Should Know
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