Due to recent changes at Mozilla my time working on the Rust compiler is drawing to a close. I am still at Mozilla, but I will be focusing on Firefox work for the foreseeable future.

So I thought I would wrap up my “How to speed up the Rust compiler” series, which started in 2016.

Looking back

I wrote ten “How to speed up the Rust compiler” posts.

  • How to speed up the Rust compiler.The original post, and the one where the title made the most sense. It focused mostly on how to set up the compiler for performance work, including profiling and benchmarking. It mentioned only four of my PRs, all of which optimized allocations.
  • How to speed up the Rust compiler some more. This post switched to focusing mostly on my performance-related PRs (15 of them), setting the tone for the rest of the series. I reused the “How to…” naming scheme because I liked the sound of it, even though it was a little inaccurate.
  • How to speed up the Rust compiler in 2018. I returned to Rust compiler work after a break of more than a year. This post included updated info on setting things up for profiling the compiler and described another 7 of my PRs.
  • How to speed up the Rust compiler some more in 2018. This post described some improvements to the standard benchmarking suite and support for more profiling tools, covering 14 of my PRs. Due to multiple requests from readers, I also included descriptions of failed optimization attempts, something that proved popular and that I did in several subsequent posts. (A few times, readers made suggestions that then led to subsequent improvements, which was great.)
  • How to speed up the Rustc compiler in 2018: NLL edition. This post described 13 of my PRs that helped massively speed up the new borrow checker, and featured my favourite paragraph of the entire series: “the html5ever benchmark was triggering out-of-memory failures on CI… over a period of 2.5 months we reduced the memory usage from 14 GB, to 10 GB, to 2 GB, to 1.2 GB, to 600 MB, to 501 MB, and finally to 266 MB”. This is some of the performance work I’m most proud of. The new borrow checker was a huge win for Rust’s usability and it shipped with very little hit to compile times, an outcome that was far from certain for several months.
  • How to speed up the Rust compiler in 2019. This post covered 44(!) of my PRs including ones relating to faster globals accesses, profiling improvements, pipelined compilation, and a whole raft of tiny wins from reducing allocations with the help of the new version of DHAT.
  • How to speed up the Rust compiler some more in 2019. This post described 11 of my PRs, including several minimising calls to memcpy, several improving the ObligationForest data structure. It discussed some PRs by others that reduced library code bloat. I also included a table of overall performance changes since the previous post, something that I continued doing in subsequent posts.
  • How to speed up the Rust compiler one last time in 2019. This post described 21 of my PRs, including two separate sequences of refactoring PRs that unintentionally led to performance wins.
  • How to speed up the Rust compiler in 2020: This post described 23 of my successful PRs relating to performance, including a big change and win from avoiding the generation of LLVM bitcode when LTO is not being used (which is the common case). The post also described 5 of my PRs that represented failed attempts.
  • How to speed up the Rust compiler some more in 2020: This post described 19 of my PRs, including several relating to LLVM IR reductions found with cargo-llvm-lines, and several relating to improvements in profiling support. The post also described the important new weekly performance triage process that I started and is on track to be continued by others.

Beyond those, I wrote several other posts related to Rust compilation.

As well as sharing the work I’d been doing, a goal of the posts was to show that there are people who care about Rust compiler performance and that it was actively being worked on.

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How to Speed up the Rust Compiler One Last Time
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