React Tutorial - Learn React JS - Course Lessons #5 - Input Fields and Form - Learn ReactJS

React terms : Controlled Component, props, forms, input fields, text fields, Props, onChange, currentTarget,, currentTarget.value, React state

A common approach used is to keep the same name for the input fields (text fields) that have been provided to the JSON linked to the form. Then use onchange, currentTarget along with and currentTarget.value to update the state and thereby the form.

Define a form with input fields (text fields) and handle them in React. define then as JSX using HTML and then integrate them in ReactJS. Lift the state up and make a controlled component. Implement add and edit.

With Sample Codes and Exercises, do the exercises and understand the code in detail and make forms with a main component controlling the form and providing its initial values.

Learn complete React in this video tutorial series. A must watch for all ReactJS beginners and learners. With lots of samples, code, practice questions and projects, learn and master React and become an awesome front end developer.
00:00 Input Fields in React
09:58 Main Component and Form Component
15:13 Sample Code 1a : Add and display
22:38 Sample Code 1b : Implement Edit
31:36 Sample Code 2a : Courses Form Component Exercise
33:59 Sample Code 2b : Courses Form Component Exercise

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React Tutorial - Learn React JS - Course Lessons #5 - Input Fields and Form -Learn ReactJS
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