How to Scrape GitHub Profiles in Python

Scraping a GitHub profile is the process of extracting data from a GitHub profile using a web scraping tool. This data can include the user's name, bio, repositories, followers, and other information.

When we open any GitHub account, we see a profile picture, the name of the user, and a short description of the user in the profile section. Here you will learn how to scrape your GitHub profile image. For this task, you need some knowledge of HTML and the requests and BeautifulSoup libraries in Python.

If you have never used the BeautifulSoup library before, use the command mentioned below in your command prompt or terminal to install this library in your Python virtual environment:

pip install beautifulsoup4

You don’t need to install the requests library as it is already present in the Python standard library. Now below is how to write a Python program to scrape a profile image from any GitHub profile:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

github_profile = ""
req = requests.get(github_profile)
scraper = bs(req.content, "html.parser")
profile_picture = scraper.find("img", {"alt": "Avatar"})["src"]

Now, if you click on the link you got as an output, you will see the profile picture of the GitHub user. This is how you can scrape profile images from any GitHub profile using Python.


How to Scrape GitHub Profiles in Python
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