For many teams, especially in small or medium organizations, adopting Kubernetes may not be what you really need at the moment. And if you want to use Kubernetes, you can use the managed Kubernetes service of your cloud provider. This will help you reduce the complexity, knowledge gap, and human resource you will need to dedicate to Kubernetes. As a CTO/CIO/CEO, this article highlights 9 of the critical questions you should ask yourself or your teams before introducing Kubernetes into your workflow.

The popularity and hype around Kubernetes in recent times has made it look just as if you can’t run your containerized applications on the cloud without it.

This is not necessarily true, and it depends on the state of your organization and the applications you deploy.

We will discuss some of the questions you need to ask as the CEO, CIO, or CTO of an organization on whether or not you should start using Kubernetes in your organization.

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9 Questions Every CTO Must Ask Before Adopting Kubernetes
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