In the previous blog posts you learned about different C## 9.0 features:

In this blog post, let’s look at another very interesting feature of C## 9.0 that is called target-typed **new** expressions.

Target-typed means that an expression gets the type from the context it is used in. With C## 9.0 the new expression gets the type from the context, which means you don’t have to specify the target-type explicitly to call a constructor. Let’s look at this with a simple example.

Creating New Objects Before C## 9.0

Let’s define the Friend class that you see in the code snippet below. As you can see, it has a default constructor and also a constructor with the parameters firstName and lastName to initialize the properties FirstName and LastName.

public class Friend
    public Friend() { }

    public Friend(string firstName, string lastName)
        FirstName = firstName;
        LastName = lastName;

    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

To create a new instance of this Friend class, you can use this statement:

Friend friend = new Friend();

You can also use the constructor overload to pass in a firstname and a lastname:

Friend friend = new Friend("Thomas", "Huber");

As the variable gets initialized directly with a new Friend, you can also use the var keyword for the variable declaration like below. The C## compiler detects in this case the type Friend for the variable, as you assign a new Friend instance to it. The var keyword was introduced in 2007 with C## 3.0 and .NET Framework 3.5, and it works for local variables.

var friend = new Friend("Thomas", "Huber");

Now, in all those cases above you can see that the new expression – that’s the part on the right side of the = sign – always requires the class name. That’s not the case anymore with C## 9.0 if the target-type is already known from the left side of the = sign, which is always the case if you don’t use the var keyword on the left side of the = sign.

Use Your First Target-typed New Expression

With C## 9.0 you can create a new Friend like below with the target-typed new expression to call the default constructor. Note that I don’t specify the Friend class on the right side of the = sign, the compiler gets it from the left side of the = sign:

Friend friend = new();

You can also call the overloaded constructor of the Friend class by passing in a firstname and a lastname:

Friend friend = new("Thomas", "Huber");

But, of course, you can not use the target-typed new expression when you use the var keyword to declare your variable, because then the compiler does not have a chance to find out the type that you want to create. So, the following statement does not work:

var friend = new("Thomas", "Huber"); // does NOT work #c# #c++

C# 9.0: Target-typed New Expressions – Make Your Initialization Code Less Verbose
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