Microservices are not the answer to all the problems. It’s the job of an architect, to understand the context and identify the tradeoffs to build a story on monolith vs microservice

In the last 4 years of working with microservices, I have seen a wide range of stories in the path of microservices adoption. While many of these stories are successful ones to celebrate, some of them have really created chaotic situations.

If I look back and see, why did we failed in some of these instances? It all turns out to be a bad design decision to choose a microservice when the context has demanded a monolithic. Let us look at this with an example. Assume that we have got a requirement to build a payment module for an E-commerce application. Which of the below design you will choose?

Many people that I show these designs, tent to choose the second choice because of the microservice nature of the design. But to choose the apt option it’s important to understand the architectural characters of both the design and analyze the tradeoff based on the current constraints that the team/product is bounded with.

#microservices #monolithic #technology #software-architect

It’s Back! A Trend To Build Monolith
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