Small and Independent Provider Component for Simple Element Auto-inputting


This is a lightweight package that allows you to easily implement auto-tabbing (focusing the next input), even in your existing project. You can auto-tab forward on maxLength, keypress, or both! You can even reverse-tab on backspacing an empty input!

Demo / Example

[Go to this page to see a live demo!] (


Use the package manager npm to install react-auto-tab.

npm install --save react-auto-tab

Basic Usage

To start, all you have to do is wrap your code in the <AutoTabProvider> element. Wrap each group that you would like have auto-tabbing in. All input, textarea and select elements are included as focusable, by default

import React from 'react'
import { AutoTabProvider } from 'react-auto-tab'

const App = () => {
  return (
      <label>Birthday: </label>
      <input type='text' maxLength='2' placeholder='MM' />
      <input type='text' maxLength='2' placeholder='DD' />
      <input type='text' maxLength='4' placeholder='YYYY' />


There are a few props available. Only one prop is currently unique to the children elements, none are unique to AutoTabProvider.

To pass props to the wrapping <div>, which replaces <AutoTabProvider> in the DOM, include each props as an object property. Pass this object to the element with the settings prop.

const settings = {
  className: 'myClass',
  id: 'myId',
  focusonkey: 'enter'
return <AutoTabProvider settings={settings}>...</AutoTabProvider>

To pass props to a child of <AutoTabProvider>, just include it as a prop on the element

  <label for="myInput-1" className="myClass" myId="myId" style="">You</label>
  <input type="text" ignorefocus="{1}" className="myClass" maxlength="2" />
  <span className="mySpan">Are</span>
  <input type="text" maxlength="3" />

These are all of the properties that can be use in AutoTabProvider.props.settings as well as props on children elements. The parent settings will set the behavior for all elements, unless the same prop is present on a child.

  • prevonkey: integer Toggle back-tab/focus previous on backspacing an empty input, {1} or ‘true’ by default.
  • nextonkey: string Auto-tab/focus next element on press of this key, for example ‘enter’. null, or off, by default.
  • nextonmax: integer Toggle auto-tab/focus next element on hitting an elements maxLength. If there is no maxLength on that element, it will be 0 or ‘false’. 1, or true by default.

There is currently only one prop unique to children, and no props unique to the parent settings. The below prop is unique to focusable children elements.

  • ignorefocus: integer If set to 1, element will be ignored and ‘jumped’ in the focus sequence. 0, or false, by default

As a note, nextonmax and nextonkey can be active at the same time and running whichever is triggered first. If you have maxLength set and do not want to auto-tab on max length, nextonmax must be disabled.

Styling and Other Info

Styling, and using your own props on both AutoTabProvider and its children, is super easy. Just include whatever props, like className, id, style or customProp, using the same technique as the packages props, listed above.

As mentioned, any input, textarea, and select elements are included as focusable, by default. You can use the provided ignore prop on children to skip any of the elements mentioned.

Non-direct children will not be focusable, but they will still be rendered. For example, the input in the below example with id: 'nonDirect' will be skipped without use of ignore, but it will still render

  <input type="text" maxlength="2" />
    <input type="text" maxlength="3" id="nonDirect" />
  <input type="text" maxlength="2" />

It is also totally fine to use several AutoTabProvider elements back to back!

Technically, this should work with any input types. That being said, it has only been tested using password, text, and number. When possible, it is recommended to use type text. Please report any found issues with other types using the issues info below.


Just to make sure all bases are covered here, here are several examples of usage. To see some live examples, you will need to download and run the example from here.

First we will just turn off prevonkey, so when we backspace on an empty element here, it wont back-tab to the previous element.

<AutoTabProvider settings="{{prevonkey:" false}}>
  <input type="text" maxlength="3" />
  <input type="text" maxlength="2" />
  <input type="text" maxlength="4" />

Next we will turn on nextonkey and set it to ‘Enter’, expect for the middle input, it will focus on maxLength this. This can be accomplished by simply not setting a maxLength for the other inputs, or you can disable maxLength in the AutoTabProvider settings, and only enable it for the middle input. Lets see both

<AutoTabProvider settings={{nextonkey: 'enter'}}>
   <input type="text" placeholder="First" />
   <input type="text" maxLength="1" placeholder="M" />
   <span>.  </span>
   <input type="text" placeholder="Last" />

<AutoTabProvider settings={{nextonkey: 'enter', nextonmax: 0}}>
   <input type="text" maxLength="30" placeholder="First" />
   <input type="text" nextonmax={1} maxLength="1" placeholder="M" />
   <span>.  </span>
   <input maxLength="30" type="text" placeholder="Last" />

What if you just wanted to ignore the middle name in the above example?

<AutoTabProvider settings={{nextonkey: 'enter'}}>
   <input type="text" placeholder="First" />
   <input type="text" ignorefocus={1} maxLength="1" placeholder="M" />
   <span>.  </span>
   <input type="text" placeholder="Last" />

Anything that you think should be added to the documentation? See how to get in touch in the issues section below


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


If you have any feedback, notice any bugs, or just have a burning question feel free to open an issue on Github.

Download Details:

Author: okdv


Source Code:

#react #reactjs #javascript

Small and Independent Provider Component for Simple Element Auto-inputting
2.55 GEEK